About the mission

We are committed to developing innovative solutions that leverage cutting-edge technologies such as genomics, proteomics, and artificial intelligence to deliver personalized and effective healthcare. We strive to improve patient outcomes by providing tailored treatment plans that take into account each individual's genetic makeup, lifestyle, environment, and other factors. 

Customer Care and

Mutanex aims to revolutionize healthcare by shifting treatment from traditional generalized medicine to modern personalized medicine. Our goal is to commercialize precision medicine for everyone at ultra-fast and affordable rates through the use of AI systems. Our ultimate goal is to establish a completely virtual precision medicine hospital accessible to everyone. This initiative makes Mutanex the first Indian startup to undertake such a pioneering endeavor.


Say hello to the leaders

The driving force behind our success, our team members.


Saiful Q Khan

Chief Executive Officer
Doctor of Pharmacy


Isha Goswami

Chief Operating Officer
Doctor of Pharmacy


Dr. Maulik Vaja

Chief Scientific Officer
M. S. (Pharm.), PhD


Join our team to make difference

We are committed to developing innovative solutions that leverage cutting-edge technologies such as genomics, proteomics, and artificial intelligence to deliver personalized and effective healthcare.

Join us!